Monday, August 24, 2009

Gio made me do it... Figured I'll give blogging a try. Knowing myself entries will probably be relatively few, and so it's a pity that my first one is not more earth-shatteringly significant.

OTOH, let me steer any of the romantic-minded among you to see The Time Traveler's Wife. I've not read the book, but I found the movie won me over quickly, and by the end I deeply cared for the characters, their predicament, and how they coped with it. Excellent performances, and a fantastic addition to chick-flicks that guys also enjoy.


  1. I started blogging almost three years ago, but I wasn't really into it. I'd tried posting to LiveJournal, but I didn't like the layout, I came back to Blogger a few months ago. It took me so long because I had to learn to use a dashboard, and I knew it would demand some adaptation. Oh, I know you have no problem with HTML and source code. I started seriously when I began facebooking. All was going well until I was invited to guestblog at a writer's place...Oh, I'll tell the story another time. Well. When one starts blogging "for real," it gets really exciting.

  2. Man, I wan't planning on watching it. I started reading the book and got bored. And the funny thing is, I love Rachel McAdams. Maybe I'll give it a whorl...
